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“We provide truthful information without emotion or influence from the medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, national organizations, special interest groups or government agencies.” Charles B Simone, M.MS., M.D.
October 2 – USA Today – Tom Frieden, M.D., Director of Centers for Disease Control, said “at this point there is zero risk of transmission of Ebola on air flight. It does not spread from someone who doesn’t have fever or other symptoms.”
That’s not true (Lancet. 2005. 365:989-96; The Journal of Infectious Diseases 1999;179(Suppl 1):S92–7 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15767002/). Ebola spreads in humans and primates by aerosol transmission and also by direct contact with blood, mucus or other fluids from an infected person. Ebola and Lassa are two viruses that cause hemorrhagic fever. These viruses have longer incubation periods, making infected passengers potentially symptom-free and unaware that they are infected at the time of travel even though they can spread disease by droplet transmission. These droplets are created by infected persons when they cough, sneeze or speak and the droplets are propelled up to 3 feet and deposited on a susceptible host’s eyes or mucous membranes.
Other infectious diseases that can be transmitted during air flight: Tuberculosis, SARS, the common cold, influenza, meningococcal disease, measles, Salmonella, Cholera, smallpox, and others.
What can you do to help yourself?
Jet planes should use only outside air for the cabin. Commercial airlines are a suitable environment for the spread of infectious disease carried by passengers or crew. The air-quality in the cabin is important. Request the pilot to bring in fresh air from the outside. This increases the use of fuel and therefore is not frequently done because of cost. You can also turn off the vents just above your head to prevent that recirculated cabin air from coming directly on your face.
(c) 2017 Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D.