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“We provide truthful information without emotion or influence from the medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, national organizations, special interest groups or government agencies.” Charles B Simone, M.MS., M.D.

Lawrenceville, NJ (Dr. Simone) – Snowstorms require road salt treatment that raises sodium levels in tap water. Snow salt is composed of 40% sodium (causes hypertension), 55% chloride, and 5% of other compounds like ferrocyanide (used for anti-caking, toxic to life), lead, iron, and cadmium (causes hypertension). These come into our environment from rain, melting snow and ice, and splash and spray from vehicles and wind. They get on vegetation, in soil, and into rivers, lakes, wetlands and reservoirs. They settle in the deepest part of the body of water and prevent the ability to support aquatic life.
Chloride accelerates corrosion of concrete bridges, parking garages, reinforcing rods, vehicle parts, and power line utilities and their electrical lines – cost per year, about $19 billion.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires public water suppliers to report sodium levels greater than 20 mg / liter because the EPA guidelines for human health is 20 mg / liter. Some water suppliers in New Jersey in March 2015 have 110-130 mg / liter. Add this to the already high amount of sodium intake from canned foods and liquids, fast foods, and other foods and drinks. For example, a popular sports drink has a whopping 450 mg of sodium per liter. This lifetime intake of sodium takes a toll.
One of every ten people in the world die of high sodium intake over a lifetime. Astounding!
(c) 2017 Charles B Simone, M.MS., M.D.