A growing body of evidence suggests that phytoestrogens are not safe. Phytoestrogens have the same effect as estrogens produced by the body.
A growing body of evidence suggests that phytoestrogens are not safe. Phytoestrogens have the same effect as estrogens produced by the body.
If you stop the statin, like Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor, the problems usually go away.
Eating meat from 4 legged animals can increase your risk of premature death and increase your risk of cancer and heart disease.
The following increase the risk for osteoporosis for everyone including athletes:
PREECLAMPSIA – Is It Preventable?
Glycine improved memory
People with blood types A, B, or AB have a greater risk for developing coronary heart disease and other chronic diseases
In one study OB/GYN physicians found less lumps compared to internists, family practitioners, or any other physician who spent more time in doing the exam.
We tend to shy away from talking about death and dying. Hope should always be given, but not false hope. We really need to start thinking in terms of EFFECTIVE or NONEFFECTIVE treatment and tell patients about treatments in those terms.
More than 15 million children in the United States live in households with domestic violence and 7 million of them see severe violence such as a parent using a weapon against the other parent.
You cannot drink grapefruit juice in the morning and take your medication later in the day. Seville oranges and tangelos can have the same effect.
Vitamin C can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Salt (sodium chloride) negatively affects athletic performance, cardiovascular health and the functioning of other organs. But now it is linked to autoimmune diseases.
1 in 10 Americans die from eating too much salt – almost 250,000 a year and ten times as many as caused by sugary drinks. Bread and cheese are the top two sources of sodium in the U.S.
Varenicline (Chantix), the smoking cessation aid, leads the list and was 18 times greater than all the other drugs combined; #2 fluoxetine (Prozac); #3 paroxetine (Paxil). Next are nine more anti-depressants, six sedative/hypnotics, and three attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder prescription drugs.
US bureaucrats squander hundreds of millions of dollars with a foreign company on a web site that does not work. Some super rich are self-proclaimed medical/public health “authorities” and try to tell us what is best for us without seeking advice from qualified medical professionals. And while all this intrusive folly goes on, as many as 30 million girls are still at risk of female genital mutilation/cutting in the next decade if current trends continue.
Triple negative breast cancer is less likely to spread, or metastasize, to new sites in the body when fed a restricted diet.
The federal government, the biggest payer of cancer care, made cancer costs soar because Medicare pays an extra $6500 a year when chemotherapy is given to a patient in a hospital owned facility. Private insurers also pay a higher premium for care delivered in a hospital setting. The costs will keep spiraling upward because of Government intrusion and clever lobbyists, forcing cancer patients from private practitioners to hospital owned facilities incurring much higher costs.