Adolescents and young adults have concerns with their body image. Those who used products to enhance their muscles were more likely to start binge drinking frequently and using drugs.
Adolescents and young adults have concerns with their body image. Those who used products to enhance their muscles were more likely to start binge drinking frequently and using drugs.
How can we protect our youth? Allow the body to rest. More strengthening exercises. Use proper technique at all times. And Nutritional Hydration is important.
Poor nutrition and poor hydration impair your response to the heat, cold and low levels of oxygen. Hydration is critical. Next is the proper level of energy intake, particularly carbohydrate.
Benzene causes cancer. It is found in our drinking water, 79% of diet sodas, beverages with vitamin C and benzoate.
I tested shark cartilage on cancer patients in Cuba and Mike Wallace and 60 Minutes aired the experience and findings.