Beta-carotene is an extremely important antioxidant because it decreases the risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, eye diseases, and enhances the immune system. Simone recommended dose: 30-40 mg per day.
Beta-carotene is an extremely important antioxidant because it decreases the risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, eye diseases, and enhances the immune system. Simone recommended dose: 30-40 mg per day.
At a medical conference I asked a Chairman of Medicine of a prestigious university how he would treat a man who had a massive heart attack with a cholesterol of only 140, LDL of 50, normal coronary arteries, and no other risk factors. He said ‘That’s a no brainer – give him a high dose statin.’ I then said, “That man’s cholesterol, LDL and coronary arteries are excellent. It’s probably only inflammation or a clot, so one could use vitamins and other nutrients instead.” He abruptly and arrogantly said ‘No, give him a statin’ and he turned away. This is what Big Pharma does. They pay so-called “thought leaders” to influence other doctors to prescribe their drugs. And these “thought leaders” must not deviate from the written words given to them by Big Pharma.
Patients with perennial allergic rhinitis had marked improvement when they took antioxidants compared to nasal steroid alone.
Dr Pauling found that Lipoprotein(a) increases when vitamin C levels are low, perhaps as a protective mechanism since Lipoprotein(a) binds to weakened arterial walls (less collagen and elastin fibers) to repair damage – like a patch. Dr. Pauling thought cardiovascular disease is a form of chronic pre-scurvy. Read what he recommends.
Amgen, the maker of evolocumab (Repatha) funded the research, paid EVERY author on the paper, led by Harvard researchers, and the findings were published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine May 4, 2017. If you take the drug, evolocumab (Repatha), your LDL will go down but you won’t live any longer. IT’S ALL ABOUT INFLAMMATION AND OXIDATION.
Studies show that antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and oxidative stress and thereby repair damaged cells, including Leydig cells.
Fifty human studies, involving 8,521 patients, 5,081 of whom were given food supplement nutrients, have consistently shown that non-prescription antioxidants and other nutrients: Do not interfere with cancer therapeutic modalities; Can enhance cancer therapy killing capabilities; Decrease cancer therapy side effects; Protect normal tissues from cancer therapy, and Prolong lifespan in 15 studies for 3,738 patients