
We do not diagnose disease or recommend a dietary supplement for the treatment of disease. You should share this information with your physician who can determine what nutrition, disease and injury treatment regimen is best for you.  You can search this site or the web for topics of interest that I may have written (use Dr Simone and topic).  

“We provide truthful information without emotion or influence from the medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, national organizations, special interest groups or government agencies.”  Charles B Simone, M.MS., M.D.



Lawrenceville, NJ (Dr Simone) – The US Surgeon General released Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health (https://addiction.surgeongeneral.gov/surgeon-generals-report.pdf ).  
– 1 in 7 Americans develop a substance abuse during their lives
– 1 in 10 receive treatment
– 66.7 million people reported binge drinking last month
– 88,000 deaths each year from alcohol misuse
– 47,055 drug overdose deaths (2014); 28,647 involved prescription opioid drugs and heroin
– Cocaine is the most frequently illegal drug reported by U.S. Emergency Departments with more than 500,000 visits a year
– $442 billion – estimated yearly cost to U.S. taxpayers for drug and alcohol abuse in the U.S.

Who is paying for this $442 billion cost?

(c) 2017 Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D.